It has still felt like Christmas at our house (even though it's a week into January) especially with all of the crazy snow we have been getting! Today, I finally decided it was about time to put away all of the decorations and things -- knowing that if I didn't do it soon, this little baby girl would come and soon enough it would be Valentine's Day and we'd still be enjoying the beautiful lights of our Christmas tree! We had a lovely Christmas w/ my family (and Jordan's family too via Skype!) and even got a visit from Jenny for a couple of days.
Such a delight to share all the wonders of Christmas with our little boy!

As Landon opened his stocking, he walked around passing out the treats he found inside to everybody else -- until he got to the Reeces tree which he knew he wanted for himself.
This was probably about the longest sitting still we got from Landon as we opened presents Christmas morning. He had a great time though passing out presents for everybody to open -- that is until he opened his marble madness game...

This was indeed a magical toy - never before have I seen this child so focused or so involved for such a long time! It kept him occupied for hours on Christmas day and for the days that followed too. Amazing!!

Happy New Year!