Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Family Home Evening Goals

Just thought it would be fun to record what the kids chose for their goals during FHE --

Owen -- (chosen by Landon) "I have a great idea for Owen's goal this week - let's put tummy time to the test!"

Landon - to be gentle with Owen
Ellie - "My goal this week is I'm cleaning up my room every day!"

I love these pics -- one because they're just cute pics of the kids being great little helpers, but more because they caught the sweet happy moment of making blueberry muffins with my kiddos -- before things started to fall apart: naptime was approaching, I ran out of energy and wondered what I was doing trying to make muffins... Ellie started crying, Owen woke up hungry... "Ellie is crying and Owen is crying and Ellie is crying and Owen is crying!" (from Ellie) But Landon was coming to the rescue as he does when things start to get a little rough around here and Jordan jumped in to help too :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

More fun w/ Grammi and Grandpa

Here's a fun animoto of Landon and Ellie's trip to the Tree House museum with Kathie and Winslow and a few Livermore friends.

Spring Break

Jordan and the kids building a snow fort - welcome to Spring Break in Logan!


Owen Winslow Brough

(Owen sleeps cuddled up right beside me at night... in between a diaper change and some fresh new clothes I had to snap a picture of this beautiful little one I get to hold to sleep :)

Owen was born Tuesday, April 5th -- 7 lbs. 15 oz, 20.5 inches long, and just a beautiful little boy!

Labor and delivery went amazingly smoothly (so much so that I actually found myself thinking 'certainly there must be more I have to go through for this little boy to be born...')

He is a healthy, happy, sweet and meek little guy and we are loving him so!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Baby Animal Days

(Landon and April holding a baby duckling)

April and Winslow took the kids to Baby Animal Days at the American West Heritage Center earlier this week - they had a great time seeing and touching and holding lots of the animals there (even in the snow!) Kathie made a great Animoto of their baby animal adventures here.

Owen's First Week

We've had such a sweet happy week just loving our new little Owen. He's such a content, mild little guy and has been enjoying all the cuddling and loves he's getting.

A few things from our first week with baby Owen --

  • An amazingly smooth labor and delivery -- I feel so very grateful for that.
  • A sweet and peaceful hospital stay. Because the hospital is just a few minutes from our house, Jordan took on visitor status rather than resident status this time. That meant that I had lots of quiet time to enjoy this precious little guy, interspersed with lots of happy visits. The kids sure thought it was wonderful to come and see their new baby brother! I watched Anne of Green Gables, started re-reading "A Quiet Heart" from Sister Holland (such a peace-bringing book), listened to great music, watched the rainy, rainy day and held and loved my little son. Such a sweet time.
  • Happy surprises at the hospital from my sweet family- cheerful visits, balloons, flowers, homemade dinner from Kathie

  • Grammi and Grandpa have kept things running smoothly - playing, pretending, putting to bed, cooking, tidying, and everything else...
  • We finally chose a name!
  • Landon and Ellie love to hold Owen -- Landon can sit still holding him longer than he can sit still for almost anything :) Ellie likes to hold him about 5-10 seconds, then hop down and ask again "can I hold baby Owen?" They are both so excited about this little guy! He's been a pretty lucky baby with so many arms to hold and love on him - Grammi and Grandpa, April, me, Jordan, Landon and Ellie!

  • It started snowing about the time Owen and I came home from the hospital early Thursday afternoon and it just kept on snowing and snowing and snowing through Saturday. Such a funny feeling in the early Spring to have such a Christmasy snow, but it made for a really nice and peaceful few days to just relax and enjoy this little guy.
  • Newest tricks -- Owen is a champ at nursing (hooray!). He's stretching out, waking up more, opening his eyes and starting to focus a little better. He makes super cute little sleepy noises and is an expert at cuddling right up. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Newest little Brough

We have a new little baby boy in our family!

Here's an animoto from Jordan --