We just returned from our
winter getaway with the Brough's in sunny California. With two weeks of visiting and sunshine and grandparent time and April time, biking and hiking and walking and tree climbing and tennis racket baseball playing and front yard BBQ's and playground picnics (and working plus rollerblading, running, unicycling and jump-roping for Jordan), we certainly felt lucky for such a sweet California springtime.
I was a bit worried about returning to the winter wonderland of Logan. Driving home as the the hours ticked by, the temperatures dropped and the skies became a little grayer and a little grayer until at last we reached our wintery home - home sweet home?
Amazingly, the beautiful blue skies today and a week with highs in the 30's actually feels pretty good (Blue skies can make up for a lot with me :)
And with many hours on the road to think and plan on how to simplify our lives, de-clutter our house, organize and schedule and routine-ize whatever we can... I'm home ready to work!
And, I'm not sick anymore (I'm pregnant, friends!) and I got to listen to that reassuring little heart beat this morning... so with a bit of renewed energy I feel once again like I really can somehow get on track and do all (well, most...or some) of those things I've been wishing to do. :)
And mostly I'm just so happy for a blue sky day!