(A happy girl with her happy daddy!)

Other first month here events -- I paid my first overdue fine at the library and felt like a true Logan citizen :) Landon is playing on the city soccer team for 3&4-year-olds. We're enjoying lots of lunch break and after work bike rides,
rollerblading, running, etc. Landon and I went for a scooter ride while Ellie finished naptime this afternoon (Darby and Tigger went on a scooter ride that is.) Jordan was just called as the Elders Quorum secretary
and I'm off on my first visiting teaching appointment tomorrow. Landon's sunbeam class is the largest class in the primary so there are lots of friends his age. Ellie is working on figuring out nursery and has a great time as long as Mommy or Daddy are there with her.
And I'm just excited for more of these beautiful Autumn days to spend with our little family!
(All along our hike, Landon ran up ahead to collect rocks and throw them in the river at the next spot where he trail met the water. He's never had such a great hike!)