Sunday, January 22, 2012
From Jordan's blog

Jumping for Joy
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Happy Birthday Ellie Girl!
A birthday girl picture from Grammie
(a message from Landon: "cute girl in the picture!")
a birthday breakfast from Jordan

We loved Grammie and Grandpa visiting for Ellie's birthday!

Birthday party games with some of Ellie's best friends -- Mommy, Daddy, Landon & Owen, Grammie, Grandpa, April & Nathan

Trying out her new built by mom and dad soccer net
(a message from Landon -- "Ellie's a great girl and now she's three!")
carefully removing each piece of tape and setting the tape strips in a neat pile...
Happy Birthday Ellie!
Nothin' but blue sky
(last years' winter)
I can't say enough how grateful I've been for such a beautifully clear, warm, dry and blue sky January. Landon's class has been working on a graph of the weather each school day this year -- with the constant sunny days, they hadn't had anything to compare yet. Yesterday they finally got to add a second category (snow) to their graph. I think at last the winter I dreaded in October is coming -- but with a January arrival, it seems much less dreadful. :) What a wonderful January blessing it has been to open our blinds each morning and delight in yet another blue sky day.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Me and my little Owen guy
New Calling

from Teaching Little Fingers to Play (my sister's first piano book)
I am really excited about my new calling to be a Webelos leader in our ward. My only experience with scouting was about 15 years ago, attending pack meeting with my little brother. My strongest memory is of 'giving a round of applause'. :) But with Landon as the youngest little pre-cub-scout, a handbook full of fun activities to do, a great partner, and 4 good scouts from the stake... I'm pretty excited about this new change!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Owen at 9 months
Owen on Christmas morning
You are our little Owen guy. And oh what a happy little guy you are. You're crawling, standing, cruising along the fireplace and couches and cupboards. You love mashed bananas and banana puffs, and plastic spoons are one of your favorite toys. You're still learning to sleep, but had your first real 6 hour stretch a few nights ago. (Hooray!!) Landon and Ellie love you so and love to make you smile. They'll compete earnestly for your attention to their sillyness and they celebrate even the smallest of your smiles or tiny giggles. Especially in your sleepyness, you give the best sweet Owen hugs -- neck burrowing, hair pulling, cheek grabbing hugs. You're learning how to let us know that you want to be up in our arms as your teeth continue to come in (poor thing!). You spend most days in cozy footy pajamas. And mostly you are just a happy guy. Watchful, content, learning and growing at a rate that I can hardly believe, beginning to discover and understand and figure things out more and more... we love you so!
And just something I want to remember --
One day I was choosing some baby food at Lee's when Ellie saw the gerber baby and said "That's Owen!" I answered something like 'that does look like Owen, doesn't it"' and she answered seriously "No, it is Owen!" She likes to say "Owen is the Gerber baby of all!"
Sunday, January 1, 2012
School Christmas Program

Somehow I didn't even think to take along a camera to Landon's school Christmas program,
but he looked so sharp I had to catch some pictures after school. :)
I loved Landon's Christmas program. It was so fun to see him sing and do the little motions and actions and give his fancy speaking part. Ellie stood on the chair next to me cheering "Yay Landon!" She's been singing with giggles her favorite line from one of his songs ever since "Gingerbread cookies in my little tum-tum!" His class also had a 'teddy bear picnic' that day, so Landon felt like it was just about the best school day ever.
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