Monday, March 27, 2017

Because I want to celebrate

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This morning, I cut and trimmed a package of chicken breasts for the first time - probably ever!  I have issues with raw meat, and I'm mostly just not a huge meat fan.  I buy and cook hamburger about twice a year (plus meatballs which are a staple), and pork chops or ribs maybe once a year. We eat chicken fairly often (once  a week maybe?) but it's either canned, pre-cooked, or made-by-Jordan. I used to cook with fresh or frozen chicken tenderloins pretty often -- but I always cooked them before I handled them. (So trimming and cutting today's raw meat into bite-size pieces was a big deal!)  For some reason I've felt extra squeemish for the last few years and we've done just fine with canned chicken :)

So, this was worth a celebration! I had a few recipes I wanted to make this week with chicken and it was on sale at Lee's, and then I got home with it and thought 'well now what do I do?'  Jordan walked in while I hand my hands all slimy with chicken and I said "can you believe what I'm doing?!" Ha! We all have our small little victories I guess :)

(A helpful thing I've learned: If you are using canned chicken but don't want the canned chicken flavor, just cook it for a few minutes in olive oil + salt & pepper and garlic and onion if you really want. You'll still end up with shredded chicken rather than bite-size pieces, but it will taste much yummier than straight from the can.)