Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Search for Delicious

I just read the children's book, The Search for Delicious w/ Jordan  (A fun story by Natalie Babbitt, who also wrote Tuck Everlasting)  -- it's all about a kingdom's search for the most delicious food for the kings dictionary: "Delicious is..."   So, as we read it, I was thinking about the most delicious foods for me --

Delicious is...
my favorite See's chocolates.
warm apple pie (with a great flaky crust) and vanilla ice cream.
surprise Chocolate covered mint Oreo's from Jordan!
(For early birthday presents, he has surprised me with THREE  boxes of these wonderful cookies at exactly the right moments! And, he is kind enough that when I  finished a box of 12 cookies in 3 days to just say, "There's not very many cookies in those boxes!")

And Jordan said...

"I guess my delicious is a sweet dinner cooked by my sweetie." 

Who could ask for a better husband than that? :)