Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Days

You wouldn't know from this week's weather,

but we've actually been enjoying the lovely Spring weather of Provo (and Lubbock and Logan and Moab.)

Everything is beautifully blooming in our yard and neighborhood and all around. So nice to be outside on these sunshiny days!
Ellie on her favorite ride (Landon's tricycle) w/ Grandpa (who we got to have a week-long visit with last month!)

Up and down, up and down, up and down on this chair -- Ellie's favorite outside game.
Playing together! What a happy site to see!
Digging in the dirt -- which almost always turns into pouring dirt on Ellie, to the delight of both silly children :)

Rock Canyon Hiking -- Jordan took the kids one day when I was sick, and then we went back a few days later for another great hike and a scenic view picnic. We sure love being so close the mountains here.