Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome February!

Blue sky in Logan!
I can't say that I have always been excited for February... in fact I can clearly remember a high school day, walking the halls with a friend and wondering out loud if February was ever, ever going to end... and I know there have been times when I've felt sympathetic to Dar Williams "can we live through February?"

But -

After this January, hearts and flowers and  pink and red decorations and school Valentines to help with and lost of ideas for sweet treats to make  all sound just about right.  And with a blue sky this morning, I feel like saying "February! Welcome! Make yourself at home, and please stay as long as you'd like!" (We're heading to California in a few weeks which may be altering my perspective a bit :)

I couldn't get over the blue sky on our way to school this morning, to which Landon kept saying "but I love the snowy days!!" And he does, oh that boy loves these snowy days - grey or not!