Thursday, December 7, 2017

A fun project + failures


I've been thinking about this fun printmaking project for a while now (using a dull pencil + styrofoam plates - like this) and yesterday Porter and I gave it a try. We had a great time, but our results for most of the time were not what I was hoping for...

the learning process

I finally realized maybe we needed some thicker paint, so I tried several different ways of thickening with corn starch (none successfully). 

Finally I remembered some extra thick paint I had and tried it out and ta-da! It finally worked like it was supposed to! 

It was just a fun afternoon of playing with Porter (while Isaac took everything out from our lower kitchen cabinets), then experimenting some more while Porter went to preschool and Isaac napped (hooray for getting those two things in sync!) And I'm excited to try this out some more with all the kids.