Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Halloween Fun

A friendly fireman, a mailman with a package delivery, a floating astronaut, and a swimming purple octopus :)

* We had a super chilly day with a couple inches of snow just before Halloween, and our first Trunk-or-treat was moved inside the church. I loved making a cute little camping scene for us (complete with mountains, mini tent,  s'mores ingredients for the trick or treaters, and a cardboard fire for 'roasting marshmallows')

* These cute kiddos loved their school Halloween fun, library storytime (for Isaac), Lee's trick or treating, and neighborhood trick or treating.

* Landon stayed home with Jordan to greet the neighborhood trick-or-treaters, and they rigged up a super fun little 'trick'. As the trick-or-treaters stood on the doorstep, Landon would answer the door and talk for a moment while Jordan lowered the candy filled jack-o-lantern bucket from the top of the porch down behind the trick-or-treaters to their happy surprise. :)

* My Dad & Shauna came for a visit and got to see the kids all dressed up in between activities and stay for a few days to visit. 

* I loved working with Ellie for a few days leading up to Halloween on making her 'purple octopus' costume. Somehow, I lost track of who was planning on what for their Halloween costumes and realized just two days before that Owen didn't really have a costume. But thanks to good old Amazon, he turned out to be a super cool astronaut! Cute kiddos!