Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Our roses are budding and blooming, Landon's getting into the popsicles more often, our street is lined with full green trees again, lots of lemonade (thanks Kathie for all of the lemons!), outside adventures - biking, rollerblading, walking, jogging, (unicycling!), cool crisp nights (not for long...), a growing garden, a freezer full of strawberry freezer jam, sandal tan lines on my feet, barbecues and picnics, out for a hike, planning vacations, playing in the water... summer days are here!

We had a fun-filled Memorial Day holiday w/ family photos at the BYU duck pond (Thank you Nathan!!), a rollerblading adventure and picnic at the park on the river trail, and a barbecue
with Nathan and Kel and my Mom. And a brand new unicycle for Jordan! He spent a few hours practicing and made some super progress -- one sprained ankle later he's still looking forward to getting back to it. :)