Jordan took the kids on a 'campout' this morning to let me sleep in a bit. (The word campout is a loose term at our house. For Ellie it means sitting on the backstep and eating marshmallows :) They bundled up and went up the canyon and spent the morning playing while I slept in and then cleaned and cleaned and cleaned with some lovely music for company.

I even managed to take a walk around the house and take down the last remaining Springtime and 4th of July things, and put out some better fall decorations (Did you notice it was October? Two crazy things on the same day this week -- it
snowed at our house and I spent 5 minutes glancing at Jordan's calendar (hanging in his office, still on July) before I realized that no, it's not July anymore. Not August even. Not September... October! When did this happen?)
Other Fall fun --
- Making salsa with April
- Picking apples, making apple pie
- Harvesting our garden - so fun to step outside and pick something to add to dinner right while I'm cooking.
- Canyon driving and campfires and smores
- A run in the rain yesterday morning w/ the kids
- Enjoying the cozyness of our fireplace