Monday, April 13, 2009

Some fun finds to share

The greatest gardening tool ever -->

We got a little hand weeder like this a couple of years ago and that bendy part on the back gives such great leverage so it's super easy to just pop those dandelions right out. (This is one of Landon's new favorite activities -- going for dandelion hunts around the back yard w/ Mommy -- "Look Mommy! I found one!" :)

I made little Easter flower baskets like these for everyone yesterday. Just some felt cut out and hot glued on some recycled applesauce containers -- pretty cute. :) I think I originally saw the idea on TipJunkie (Another really fun find), but it was posted first hereAnd a delicious Hummus Recipe - from one of Jordan's favorite new cookbooks.

(I think you can click the recipe and it will enlarge, if you want to try this. :)