getting ready: for a trip to London, a bedroom switch for the kids, and summer break coming right up. And this baby boy too!
enjoying: beautiful Spring days!
reading: 1776, and lots of fun kids books and London travel blogs and Logan's city planning documents and Far North with Jordan in the evenings.
figuring out: a new schedule and family time routines as Jordan gets into his early work schedule. Also, how to have sugar be a not-a-big-deal kind of thing, while still making healthy choices. And how to get our friends tandem bike that we borrowed repaired well, and how to do a little scripture study in the morning with Ellie and Owen.
celebrating: Owen's birthday!
working on: trying to go for more walks, making sure to get the kids ready for bed early enough that Owen gets to have reading time, painting a new (from DI) bed for Ellie's new room, helping to support the neighborhood with the Deer Pen issue, tidying up the yard, finishing up taxes (I've always filed in Febraury, but somehow put it off this year and now it's suddenly a stressful to-do!), teaching Porter to ride his balance bike
eating: springtime strawberries (hooray!) and roasted cauliflower (a great new discovery) and cinnamon toast crunch (I finally gave in), and made-by-Ellie snickerdoodles, and restaurant food (after our no eating out in March plan ended :) and our favorite oatmeal for breakfast every day.