Wednesday, September 11, 2013

And just like that, it's Fall!

My sweetly sleeping little buddy.

I've had great intentions of 'catching up' at some point here -- recounting some of our summer adventures if for nothing else just so that I can remember the vacations, wedding celebrations, new nephew celebrations, reunions, happy summer days playing with the kids, school time activities, camp fire adventures, visiting with family, playing with grandparents, keeping our garden alive, happy morning walks, waiting for baby, and the sweet birth of our little one... maybe one of these late nights when Porter wants to party my good intentions will come through,  maybe not :)

We've had some blustery/rainy/beautifully cool and Fall-feeling days. Today I had a minute with Porter happily snuggled up and sleeping in his wrap with me, so I started to clean out my closet... with the combination of being in between seasons a bit,  in-between-sized-me and a lot of laundry needing to be washed, I now have a total of 3 shirts hanging in the closet. :) But it was a sweet few minutes of packing up the old, thinking of this new season of life with another new little one. 

Somehow as I got nearer the end of this pregnancy, I could feel very much how quickly I would be on the other side of things... 3 weeks till baby would be in no time a 3 week old newborn. And we're nearly there, just as quickly as I felt it would be. And what sweet days these have been. 

So here's to another beautiful Logan fall. And great adventures to come. And slowing down. And doing hard things and loving the sweet times. And soccer games and practices and after school snacks and preschool time and sneaking in naps. Welcome Fall!