Landon at Shoe Tree Park |
A couple days ago, my family and I went to Park City. This is what happened --
First, we went on the Alpine Slide. I got to do it by myself! It is a huge slide on the mountain, and you get up there by sitting on a chair lift. There's these sled things and you slide down on the slide. The swimming pool (at our hotel) was right below the chair lift, so you can see it when you're going up. I only used my brake one time because I wanted to go really fast!
Second, we went on a bike ride. It was 15 miles! We rode to the park, and went on a merry go round. We got skittles from the vending machine, and mom never lets us do that, but Dad does! Then we went to another park up some stairs. There was also a restaurant and we got some food there. It was really tiring going on the bike ride. At the last biggest hill, Mom's bike broke down! We walked up that hill, and I pushed her bike up the hill some of the time. It was a really fun bike ride!
Third, I went to the Blast Shaft for the last time. The Blast Shaft is a place where you play video games and ping pong and foosball. At first I didn't even know how to play Super Smash Brothers, but then I won! Right by the Blast Shaft are two pool tables. We played pool two times. I got 10 balls in in all. Owen only got 1. Once Dad was on Ellie's team, but I still won because Dad joined in when we had almost lost all our balls.
I was glad to get a vacation in Park City again! There were lots of other things, but I can't talk about all of them. Some of them were cookies and milk and swimming. It was really fun!
Maybe to be continued...