Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Kindergarten Job Fair

I wish I had a picture of the job fair, but since I don't -here's another bit from "take your kids to work day" : )
Yesterday Jordan got to visit Porter's class for the Kindergarten Job Fair. (They've been learning about community helpers and also having an alphabet countdown to the end of school so they hosted a Job Fair for "J" day.)

Porter was happy and proud to have Jordan coming -  "It's the first time Dad has ever been to my class!" I had fun brainstorming ideas for Jordan to answer the question he'd been given - "What did you learn in kindergarten that helps you in your job?" (Reading, writing, using thinking maps, taking risks, practicing, math and numbers, coding...) And Jordan had fun talking with each group of kindergarteners, telling a little bit about what he does and what he loves about his work. 

Also, I'm sure proud of Jordan. He is just a talented guy who does a really amazing job in his profession. We feel pretty lucky for all the great work opportunities he has had, and I feel so grateful too for all the effort he makes to spend so much time with our family and helping us all in so many ways! :)