Here are a bunch of the little pictures I made in April for the paint with me challenge! This was so fun for me. Sometimes I'd sit down and paint something for whatever the prompt was that day, or sometimes I'd go just pick whichever prompt looked most interesting. Other times I'd just paint something that I wanted to paint and later figure out which prompt it was closest to. I missed or skipped some days and then I'd go back and do a couple pictures in one day, and all together I did about 24 of the 30 days. And almost all of these are first drafts. :) Here they are!
"I'm a sleepy head momma, don't want to wake up, want to stay in bed some more. But the day's breaking early as always, so we get up, we get out the door. A new day again - so much to do, to comprehend. I'll show you my way, and you can show me your way, and if in doubt, we'll just pretend"
(This is one that I tried again and again and never could quite get right, but it was all good practice :)

We had this perfect afternoon with Porter, Ellie, and Owen playing and swinging in the hammocks. Jordan went to grab the camera at the same time that I went to grab some paper to try to draw the sweet scene.
I decided to try this April painting challenge, and then we were leaving for New York, so I packed a few of my watercolor supplies and took them along! I ended up just getting them out once or twice, but it was still fun. I had this painting half finished on the table next to the bag, and when I came back, the stripes had been drawn in for me by one of the kids :)

I realized pinks are kind of tricky for me to get the way I want, so this was a fun practice in color mixing.

This was actually the last one I painted (just yesterday).I have been loving the forsythia in our neighborhood the last few weeks, and yesterday I thought of this quote by Anne Lindberg and wanted to paint it. I hurried to get everything ready for Owen's birthday party and in the 10 minutes left before I needed to pick up the kids I was hurrying to get my supplies out - how fun to have found this new little hobby!

everyday oatmeal. Here's a funny thing: when we went to Brazil I wanted to make sure we would have enough familiar food for the kids and for me, so I packed an extra suitcase just full of food -- including our everyday oatmeal ingredients: oats, cinnamon, raisins, brown sugar & pecans)!

A first try and a second try (I love the second!) The first was just trying to paint what I was imagining (I do like those orange triangle-ish flowers). For the second I used this image as an example and it turned out much better!
I took a picture of this Hope sculpture on my day off (my day only own to just play) in New York. I sat by Ellie at the kitchen table at home while we both painted our own versions.

I am just loving our beautiful green world right now. Ellie said the other day as we were driving along a tree lined street something about how much she loves to see one color with so many different shades (me too -- the trees are amazing in all their bursting and almost bursting stages!)

My watercolor version of this print - I saw an advertisement for Women's Conference and they had a little bulletin board display with this notecard pinned up, and I knew right away it must be a rifle paper print (I love their style! :) And I loved that I could recreate it on my own too!

My watercolor version of this. And a funny thing - I searched the house for a glue stick but couldn't find one, so I just took a picture of all the little houses set out and then scooped the pieces I had made into a baggie to finish another time!

The daffodils have been so lovely in our neighborhood these last few weeks too! (Also, when we were in NYC, the daffodils in Central Park were so beautiful!) I tried this one twice without success, then remembered Ellie had a "how to draw flowers" book and then my picture turned out much better!
in the kitchen


In honor of Owen's birthday celebration yesterday :) Also, Porter said today "That cupcake one looks like a real artist made it!" I used this tutorial for help.