Monday, March 2, 2015

Meal Plan Update

In January, we decided to try a new meal-planning strategy and had great success. February, not so much. There were a few little and big things that threw us off a bit, but the main thing was this -- we didn't write it down. In January I'd scribbled down our daily dinner plan on the bottom of a grocery list, and after a few weeks I rewrote it on a cute printable. But all month it was up on our fridge, easily seen and checked. I didn't realize what an important step that was, but somehow I just never got around to writing down our new plan and so we never really did it! We still ate pretty much the same things but it was back to the more stressful dinner time/what's for dinner  trouble.  This month we're off to a better start though - I have a cute calendar up on the fridge with a week's worth of dinner's scheduled in and ready to rotate.

Here's our plan:
S - Spaghetti
M - Rice & Beans  (w/ our new favorite black bean recipe)
T - Chicken Enchiladas (all made and ready in the freezer)
W - Soup/Grilled Cheese
Th - Stir Fry
F/S - Pizza movie party/Out to eat