Friday, August 14, 2015

Happy Weekend

(At the Stake Primary Carnival -- a fuzzy picture of a picture from my phone since I haven't learned how to transfer photos!)

Whoosh -  we've had quite a week ! We talked to the kids last weekend about what great things they'd like to squeeze in to our end of the summer time, and made lots of plans for this last full week of summer break... and then poor little Ellie got super sick. And Owen and Porter got just sick enough to be feeling grumpy and have a hard time sleeping (which meant rough sleep for Jordan and I...) And Landon (who has already had his fair share of summer sick days) was healthy and happy and full of energy and feeling a bit restless with all of those fun plans on hold...

But we've made it to Friday, and Porter and Owen and Ellie all slept well last night (hip, hip, hooray!!) and Ellie was better enough to make it the primary carnival the kids have looked forward to all week. (Although she had a quick switch from a week long diet of rice chex and pedialite to cotton candy and laffy taffy, so we'll see how long she keeps feeling awesome...) Our Stake Primary President loves to put on productions and has such a talent for making things so beautiful/darling/creative&cute. So it was amazing, and the kids had a super time.

And now hooray for the weekend. On our schedule we have shoe shopping to do and maybe school supply shopping and yard work and Stake Conference plus a singing practice for the big kids.  And hopefully we'll have 4 all-better kids by next week for our very last few days of summer and the first days back to school!