+ Jordan realized another new last as Isaac raced to church on his balance bike -- no more stroller walks to church (a little thing, but part of a big thing so it still got our attention). Also, it felt like our Sunday morning just went more smoothly than normal - There were still too-small shoes and kind of a tornado of a kitchen, but we all went out the door cheerful, ready, and on time!
+ I had signed up a month ago to help another mom make some Brazilian treats for tonight's International Night. I was super excited to meet last night and had it planned into the day when we left for church. Somehow by the time we got home though it was out of my mind and I didn't remember again until this morning when I woke up and realized I had missed it - ack!
+ One of the kids noticed me eating cheerios for breakfast (instead of my every day oatmeal) and they could hardly believe it!
+ Jordan took some of the kids for a long walk and got to see and try out the new sidewalk near first Dam.
+ I got to help Ellie quickly get ready a talk for primary, and it was so great to use the scriptures we'd just talked about as a family earlier in the week.
+ working out plans and getting things ready for a birthday party for Owen
+ Wild Kratts movie time for the boys this morning (from Isaac when they started talking about rhinos -- "I have a rhino!")
+ A super speedy-hurry to get back in time for kindergarten-shopping trip + two happy boys ready to hurry back home and eat the mango and kiwi they picked out.
+ a Monday morning school-time break down...
+ Loving all of the trees and bushes just about ready to burst out their leaves, plus the beautiful and wild forsythia plants around our neighborhood and the great blossoms everywhere. From the boys yesterday "Look! Our popcorn trees!"
+ Soccer for Landon and the school's International Night this evening (which also means dinner plans are set, hooray!)
+ One of the kids said this morning looking at the calendar, "Tomorrow's baby day!" This still delights me and makes me laugh that we have this Ellie-created funny monthly holiday.
+ A birthday party for Owen (we made it in his birthday month at least...)
+ Scouts for Landon and a fun surprise young women's activity for me
+ Last day of the April paint-with-me challenge I've been working on and having such fun with!