Monday, January 4, 2016

Back to regular life

lunch break blue track time with the boys
We had a really great, really long Christmas Break this year. Lots of board games and a few outside adventures and some time with friends, just a little bit of sick time, and lots of family time. This weekend as it was wrapping up, I started to feel stressed about getting back into regular life. But even if it does mean being certain places at certain times again, I'm seeing today that regular life for us was probably not worth stressing about! :)

Ellie spent Sunday evening taking a bath, laying out her clothes, and packing her lunch so she could be all ready for back to school and not have a too-hectic or hurried morning. This morning the big kids got off to school, the boys and I did some grocery shopping (with an ambitious menu plan for the week!), and we had movie time/shower time. Then I went to have a little school lunch date with Ellie while Jordan and the boys played blue track. Then a little computer work for a church project while the boys soaked themselves and the bathroom playing in the sink, lunch and naps and that was our regular life morning!

(My 'ambitious' dinner plan for the week (mostly ambitious because it is a plan at all! :)

stir fry (+ rice, smoothies)
homemade mac&cheese by Ellie (+ fruit salad, veggies)
hamburgers by Landon (+ sweet potato fries, oranges, veggies & dip)
sweet & sour meatballs (+ rice, pineapple, veggies)
enchiladas (+ chips, corn, fruit)
Asian beef & noodle soup by Jordan (+ rice, fruit, Asian salad)

plus sometime for a snack: molasses bread