Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Birthday Owen!

This little Owen turned 4! We celebrated while we were in California for Spring Break so Grammie and Grandpa and April could be part of the fun. Kathie even let Owen pick out (and help make and decorate) an  elephant birthday cake. Some pizza, and lots of balloons, decorations from Ellie and a couple of tiny games and it was a happy birthday. (We tried to celebrate once more on his real birthday when we returned home, but he and then Ellie were so sick, so he ended up with one early celebration and one late one - which he didn't mind one bit.)

Four-year-old Owen loves:

- When anyone reads books to him (he's lucky to have Ellie read to him each night before bed especially)
- to tell jokes. (I sat by him at lunch one day (usually I'll just eat while the kids are in quiet time). It was such a sweet special time - Owen was so happy "I like eating lunch with you!" and he loved telling me silly jokes. "I have lots of jokes inside of me!"
- to lead the music in family home evening, almost always Give said the little stream and every once in a while I see my mother kneeling
- to ride his balance bike. (Plus, he got a new big-kid bike for his birthday - with the perfect first reaction of happiness and excitement. He rode it around our upstairs loop 7 times! before bed that first night.)
- to make up and tell adventure stories, full of "and then..."
- to help make dinner or muffins or our new healthy cookies or anything else
- to do little learning projects with Ellie
- his big brother Landon
- to be 'buddies forever' with Jordan (and me every once in a while if I'm lucky :)