I kept thinking yesterday afternoon about what a lot of help I have and need and am grateful for. Sitting down to teach Landon, a neighbor who comes to help me with cleaning twice a month was just finishing up. A girl from down the street had arrived to play with and watch Porter and Owen (and our friends from across the street) climbing trees and swinging and playing in the front yard so I could focus on piano. Landon finished his lesson and I taught Ellie while the boys happily played with McCall and Landon set off on an entrepreneurial mission with his friend Will (which I didn't learn about till he came home to tell how they made $2.67 selling plums they had picked at the park to the neighbors...)
Sometimes (lots of times) I want to be the mom who can just do all the things. But today I'm just feeling grateful for all the good people in our lives and the blessing they are to our family! (And for such a happy start to piano lessons too!)
{Also, speaking of kind helping -- we were making some changes with our phones and I ended up unexpectedly without a phone for a few days. Winslow spent all evening yesterday working through the issues with the phone company and I was so excited to wake up bright and early this morning and see a text had come through and my phone was back in service!}