Tuesday, November 6, 2018


+ A teenager in our neighborhood came over yesterday after school to wash windows for us (earning money for band camp :) I had woken up with lots of energy yesterday so I took some time before he came to wash all the upstairs insides of the windows (it had been a while for some of them!) Jordan also likes to take the screens out in the Winter when we won't be opening the windows anyway, so we have bright clear views out our windows (like above, out our reading room window!)

+ We had some drama this past week over a certain child's frustration with not being able to find matching socks when it was time to go to school...This morning, Owen had the job of matching 10 pairs, and said "But we just matched them all a couple days ago!" 

When I told him I'd just done the week's laundry that day, he answered, "Let's see, what's 7x7?"   49 pairs of socks to match every week? I'd never considered this, but no wonder we have this sock-finding trouble!

+ We've had little snow flurries this morning and the kids were so excited! We usually get snow a few times in October, but it has just been a warm and beautiful Fall!

+ Porter saw an idea on his morning show to make pumpkin's out of clementines (a peeled clementine with a celery stem :), and was so excited to surprise the kids with them after school- "Clemen-pumpkins!"

+Yesterday while we were checking out at the store, Porter was practicing reading all the candy bars (the familiar ones were easy, the less common like "Zero" bars were trickier!) So today, I wrote out a bunch of candy bar names and Porter practiced sounding them out and it was just a fun little after-Halloween activity. 

+ It's voting day!

+ We had time yesterday for piano lessons for all three kids -- this school year we haven't found a set day and time and it means lessons are much further apart than they normally have been.  But practicing has been happening regularly at least so something's still working :)

+ And now, we're leaving for Lego Robotics in just over an hour so it's about time to go get some plans made!